Support SMT

Considering a stock donation?

Civic Light Opera Association now has an E*Trade account.

Contact us for details:

The magic of musical theater requires amazing amounts of support, creativity, dedication, and energy. It also takes money. That’s why our supporters are so critical to Seattle Musical Theatre!

As a non-profit arts organization, Seattle Musical Theatre simply couldn’t exist without the generous support of individuals, corporations, and organizations. Ticket sales cover only a portion of our costs, making donations critical to our work!

We thank you for your support and dedication to Seattle’s oldest musical theatre company!

Seattle Musical Theatre is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible.

Ways to Give

Give online by clicking on the button above.

Mail your check, payable to Seattle Musical Theatre to:
7400 Sand Point Way NE  101N
Seattle, WA 98115

Call the Office, (206) 363-2809